Baaaddd Jakun, Bad!
Mood-O-Meter : Zennn....
On The Jukebox : Katie Melua - Closest Thing To Crazy
Blog Snack : KFC
Okay okay people, I know I have been a badass with blogging. I suppose whoever is reading this would be are my MATIES for life, those who'd never give up on me no matter how pathetic my blogging can get. Hahahah! It's just that I have not been inspired for some time. I suppose after awhile, meeting up with some of my old friends (you know who you are, folks!) has sparked some blogspiration.
Anyways, here's a short list of what has been going on since my disappearance a few months back (nothing much, actually).
1. Managed to cut down my golfing scores. Consistent sub-100 is a feat for my standards.
2. Went to Hanoi for vacation! Some pics at the end of this blog.
3. Been looking around for career alternatives after 2+ years with BP. Will update you all on this soon! ;)
4. Been skipping my blood donation sessions for quite a bit. Bitch nurse put me back on whole blood donation! Will not be able to do apherisis donation for the next two months. Damn.
5. The country sent up a gay model to space. And why would millions of taxpayer's money (mine included) be spent to send Mr. Angkasawan to conduct some "experiments"? Like I was discussing with Christina on Malaysian Philosophy, "Gaya mesti mau". Mother of all white elephants we have in the country, no?
6. Bought tickets for Chicago and Federer Vs. Sampras! Woohoo... two kick ass events not too be missed! Anyone else going?
7. Spent a bomb on my car lately. RM650 to replace my noisy alternator, RM370 for two new tyres. Changed another two a while ago.
8. Bought a new golf bag after my old one died on me. Old indeed, been with me since Kalamazoo days, already 5 years!
The Old Faithful

New Kid On The Block (Team Daiwa)

As promised, some pics from my Hanoi trip, including some Halong Bay pics.
Beer is dirt cheap in Vietnam... USD1 per bottle!
Red Beer brewed inhouse!
Confused in Confucius' Temple Of Literature
HaLongBack Mountain
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