Malaysian Tai-Chi Masters...
Mood-O-Meter : Mellow, Chill
On The Jukebox : Guns N Roses - Knocking On Heaven's Door
Blog Snack : Nada
The JAKKKUUUUNNNNNN is back! Million Sorries Mates, for not updating as much as I would want to. I've been suffering from writer's block (So called la). But finally, a report in The Star today gave me the inspiration to again BLOG on all cylindars.
A quick recap of the report, Mr. Chan Kong Choy (Malaysian Transport Minister) bantai-ed AirAsia and MAS for their numerous flight delays. Response from BOTH airlines was that they should not be blamed for the delays, there are other "external" factors too (then came list of excuses).
Which led me to ponder, that it is such a typical response by a Malaysian. To push the blame/responsibility to others, just to cover his/her ass (i.e. Tai Chi). Mind you, these are high level corporate figures. But trust me you, it happens across the board. Almost 4 years of working in Malaysia, I have gotten used to the Tai-Chi that's going on (from Elektrisola to BP, global companies but same la). So good Malaysians have become in the ancient martial arts from China. When will Malaysians learn to take the bull by the horns? Every team I have led thus far, I have tried to instill the WE Spirit, not the You-Me Spirit. I managed to do it in Elektrisola, will do it again in BP.