Saturday, February 25, 2006

Homesick... Not !!!

Mood-O-Meter : In the mood for fried chicken...
On The Jukebox : Michael Buble - Kissing a Fool (on Light N Easy... Damn, what's happenin' to me???)
Blog Snack : McD's McDeluxe Burger

Gotta stay back to work on a Saturday. It's our quarterly stocktake, and I have to be here to help out to key in some data. Which means that it is another weekend away from Ipoh for me. Weird, I used to feel this euphoria every Friday, knowing that I'd be going back to Ipoh for the weekend. This time round, eventhough I have not been back to Ipoh in 3 weeks, I am not missing my hometown at all (I do miss bashing the tennis ball though)! What prompts me to stop missing Ipoh, I wonder? Could it be a subconcious reaction due to my conviction to slash operating expenditure (maybe I should apply to be MAS' new CEO)? Or maybe I'm just plain sick of spending two hours a day traveling on the road to and from work. OR perhaps it could be explained by the "bird growing up, flying away from the nest" metaphor. Guess its one of those phases in life everyone goes through when he/she spreads wings and flies further away from the comfort of home in search of a new life.

Whatever it is, I'd be going home next weekend for me gramps' Birthday (good man, good man). Anyone in Ipoh then? Gimme a holler-la... For now, back to work. And later to satisfy my cravings for KFC Hot N Spicy... Ooohhh yeahhh....

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Valen-Wat Day?

Mood-O-Meter : Amazed (by the whole commercial hoo-hah of V-Day)
On The Jukebox : Hung Up - Madonna
Blog Snack : Coupla Half Boiled Eggs

4 days have passed since Valentine's Day, and I am still amazed how Valentine's Day has been commercialized over the course of its evolution. Woke up on Tuesday February 14th to my radio alarm clock, and everything it broadcasted was Valentine's Day. 1 hour drive to work, I was listening to the radio and guess what... VALENTINE'S DAY. Worked my ass off till 7pm and my boss asked, "Valentine's Day laaa... not date arr???" Just gave a grunt, switched off my lappie and took another 45 minute drive to the gym listening to Valentine's Day dedications. Reached One U, it was JAM PACKED with couples (including one lesbo couple). Not a single trace of soloists (except me) or families. Seems like one day in a year, couples worldwide wake up and unite to celebrate L-O-V-E (a certain Ashley Simpson song is playing in my head now).

Florists sales rise exponentially, expensive restaurants booked to the brim, goft shops running out of gift wrapping paper, these are the signs of V Day preparing to squeeze money outta love birds' coffers. I still think that Valentine's Day is a commercial sham, just like any other celebrations (Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc). Guess by now you all would have realized that I am always cynical when it comes to festivals and auspicious days. Those are the times when everyone are at the peak of their hypocritical selves, no?

If one really, truly, deeply loves someone, one should not be confined to celebrate Love once a year. Not in the sick manner that people do during 14th February la (i.e. expensive dinners, extravagant bouquets of flowers, chocolates, gifts, etc), but simple gestures like a hug, kiss, telling how much he/she means to you. I personally think that these are elements of celebrating Love with those dearest to you. To me, everyday's a Valentine's Day.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Belated Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!

Mood-O-Meter : Anti-social
On The Jukebox : Hanging By A Moment - Lifehouse
Blog Snack : Aftertaste of Indulgence cakes... Goodshit, goodshit

I am a self confessed bastard friend this Chinese New Year... CNY is the one and only time when everyone from the small town of Ipoh (working elsewhere) would infest the streets with their cars, jam their arses on the coffee shop stools... gosh, one of the only times in the year when I feel claustrophobic... CNY also means meeting up with friends after not seeing each other for ages (since last CNY perhaps? hahahhaa!).

But this year has been kind of different for me... I have not visited any friends like I used to do. Only TWICE la, hung out with friends (Chris and Kelv, welcome home maties)... What's with the anti-social streak you say? I am not sure... do you think I can get rich being a hermit?

To all my dearest friends, eventhough I am not physically there with you, thoughts of you will always be with me (yeah right)... just because I am not there, does not mean I don't give a shit (or maybe I really don't?)... until you see my picture on the orbituaries, YES, I am still alive... hahahhaa! Happy Belated Chinese New Year to all!