Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Spirit To Fly...

Mood-O-Meter : Gloomy - Man United losing to Chelsea 0-1 :(
On The Jukebox : The din of the neighbourhood mamak
Blog Snack : Tosai and Teh 'O' Ais Limau

Pinned in my room is an old MAS postcard with the slogan, "Behind Every Dream, Is the Spirit to Fly". How true those words are. That postcard psyches me up everytime. I've said it once, I say it now: Success for a person is down to the attitude. Get that right, the world is yours. Have seen many jabronies with good education, good lives, but just screwed things up because of, dare I say, attitude problems at work.

Perfect example is the soccer broker who was caught for single handedly operating an online soccer betting syndicate. This dude just studied up to SPM, but that did not stop him from learning the tricks of the trade (pun intended), getting bets as much as USD$15 million a match! True la, he got caught, but shitz, he is one rich sonofabitch in Pudu Jail. And true, what he did was illegal, but the people in the legitimate world including myself could learn a thing or two from this guy about soaring in the sky. Restecp, restecp, Mannn...

Monday, April 24, 2006

Way to Go Weiiii !!!

Mood-O-Meter : In awe
On The Jukebox : Corinne Bailey Rae - Like A Star
Blog Snack : Ricolla Sweets

As mentioned, Wei Ming finished her collegiate tennis career on Sunday. But what I did not know when I posted the last BLOG was, that she was gonna end it with a BANG. Winning both singles and doubles in her last match, she ended up 12th overall winningest player in SU history! When she told me over the phone about it, I was in awe. Damn, what a champ, what a fighter, what a gal! Wish I was there to watch all that action though. I can imagine the emotions running high, air stinking of sweat, two teams battling it out to the end, just like those sports movies i.e. Remember The Titans, Any Given Sunday, and Friday Lights Out.

Shit, that is impressive as hell. Like I mentioned to her, she pulled off a "McNamara". Gerry McNamara was an SU basketball player graduating this year as well. He played like a true champion to take SU to nationals. Wei Ming did just that. Fighting through pain from battle worn injuries, she whooped candid ass, inspiring her teammates to follow suit!

This entry goes out to Wei Ming. Will always be proud of you and will always be inspired by you to be the best in everything I do. Love yea to bits!!! *HUGZ*

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Malaysian Public Transportation... Impressive

Mood-O-Meter : Dreading to go to work tomorrow...
On The Jukebox : Unbreakable - Alicia Keys
Blog Snack : Peanut Butter Sandwich

I stand corrected. Going back to coupla posts ago, I was ranting about how shitty the whole public transportation was in KL. Today, I had a surprisingly pleasant experience taking a bus from Ipoh - KL, KTM Komuter from KL Sentral to Subang Jaya. Everything was systematic, convenient (most of the time). The best part of it was, it was pretty darn affordable (total traveling costs was less than 20 bucks)! Only a bit of fine tuning needs to be done, i.e. feeder buses to and from stations and more routes accessing to more areas. It was welcoming news that there are proposals out for new routes a week or two ago that are planned to be completed in 6 years. We will see if our Little Napoleons will get their act together or not. What are Little Napoleons? I'll leave that for another BLOG entry. Lol.

A shout out to Wei Ming, who is playing her last tennis match in her collegiate career today, and would be done with college in a coupla weeks. Kudos girl! *HUGZ* Well done, so TERROR and CLERVER. So proud of yea...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

9 MP : Malaysia Finally Delivering?

Mood-O-Meter : Antsy
On The Jukebox : Utada Hikaru - Wait & See
Blog Snack : Lo Han Kor Herbal Tea

The much awaited 9th Malaysian Plan (or 9MP) is announced by our PM. Everything looks rosy, with plans to inject some much needed steroids to muscle up Malaysia's socio-economic status. Is Malaysia finally delivering, I wonder (FYI, 8MP was not completed!). With emphasis from Pak Lah on delivering 9MP to the rakyat, we will see.

And I will see if my small investment in the stockmarket (speculating that 9MP will do good for some Malaysian companies), will yield some spending money for a shopping spree... Hahahahaha.. .