Dark Knight Rocks!!!
Mood-O-Meter : Not looking forward to Monday at all!
On The Jukebox : Stevie Wonder - Superstition
Blog Snack : Toblerone Dark Chocolate
Sick and tired of people telling me how brilliant The Dark Knight was, I embarked on a quest to watch it this weekend. No matter what! And boy was I not disappointed. The movie ROCKED BIG TIME! I'd say it was Heath Ledger's masterpiece before his unfortunate death. I'd rate this his best performance ahead of you-know-which-movie. Definitely Oscar worthy for lead actor. Aaron Eckhart also gave an engaging performance as Harvey Dent aka Two Face. Christian Bale took a step back in this movie though, letting the two villains take center stage. Interesting directing by Nolan. The Dark Knight kept it's dark flavor, very similar to Batman Begins. Over all, it is an awesome movie.

Malaysian Scene, lotsa merry go round conspiracy disclosures happening between the government and opposition. Heck, we are being the global laughing stock. It is high time we clean up our acts and get right things done. Easier said than done right? Guess that's politics. Anwar's charge of emulating Heath Ledger in that-highlands-movie, is certainly giving us Malaysians a kinky reputation. Hahaha. I'd better watch who I tell in bars that I am Malaysian! They might just think I am up for it!
Things to look forward to, I'm moving outta Clementi in August 08. Gonna share a flat with C in Commonwealth. Nearer to town, more accessible to places where I play tennis, golf, or hang out. Definitely a good move! I'm flying on a jetplane again! This time to Cincinatti OH for business meetings. Gonna stock up my flat with duty free booze on my way back. Hahaha.