The Spirit To Fly...
Mood-O-Meter : Gloomy - Man United losing to Chelsea 0-1 :(
On The Jukebox : The din of the neighbourhood mamak
Blog Snack : Tosai and Teh 'O' Ais Limau
Pinned in my room is an old MAS postcard with the slogan, "Behind Every Dream, Is the Spirit to Fly". How true those words are. That postcard psyches me up everytime. I've said it once, I say it now: Success for a person is down to the attitude. Get that right, the world is yours. Have seen many jabronies with good education, good lives, but just screwed things up because of, dare I say, attitude problems at work.
Perfect example is the soccer broker who was caught for single handedly operating an online soccer betting syndicate. This dude just studied up to SPM, but that did not stop him from learning the tricks of the trade (pun intended), getting bets as much as USD$15 million a match! True la, he got caught, but shitz, he is one rich sonofabitch in Pudu Jail. And true, what he did was illegal, but the people in the legitimate world including myself could learn a thing or two from this guy about soaring in the sky. Restecp, restecp, Mannn...